Do domestic cats feel betrayed for an instant when you instruct a veterinarian to euthanise them?


The question is philosophical. When you decide to take your cat companion to a veterinarian to have them euthanized because of chronic health reasons, does he or she feel betrayed that you are killing them? Yes, you are killing your cat but for humane and moral reasons. Euthanasia when carried out to relieve a …

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Cats don’t feel embarrassment. I explain why.

Cats don't become embarrassed

It may seem ridiculous to some people to discuss the emotion of embarrassment in relation to the domestic cat but I think it is worthwhile writing a short note about it as it is an emotion and cats feel emotions. It is just a question of whether cats feel the rather complicated emotion of …

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Why don’t domestic cats express their emotions through facial expressions like humans?

Car facial expressions

Domestic cats, in general, have this deadpan face. It is not entirely expressionless but, compared to humans, cats’ faces are relatively impassive. Their faces do show pain, however, when it becomes quite pinched and tense looking. It is quite noticeable and it varies with the amount of pain that the cat is suffering from. …

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Feline mindfulness: staying in the present

Julian a Birman cat who lived with John Gray and who died at 23

John Gray, the philosopher, says that we should not live in “an imagined future”. The reason? To avoid anxieties because the future is uncertain. The experts believe that humans are the only creatures who spend time thinking about the future. This can lead to a flight or fight response with no real danger creating …

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Domestic cats are more serene than humans because they don’t foresee their death

John Gray philosopher

I’m going to have to put my own spin on it but I’m referring to an article in The Times newspaper by the philosopher John Gray who is, I guess, promoting his new book Feline Philosophy: Cats and the Meaning of Life published next Thursday by Penguin at a price of £20 (£16 on …

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Can a cat be traumatised by watching a stuffed cat being destroyed by dogs?

Cat dies inside

This is a nice philosophical question. In the video on a ginger cat plush toy is being fought over by two pet dogs. Watching in the wings is the family’s ginger tabby-and-white cat. The cat looks concerned while the dogs destroy the plush toy. I wonder if the cat fully understands what is …

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