Pictures of striped tabby cats

Picture of striped tabby cat

Striped tabby cats are also called mackerel tabbies in reference to the skin of the fish by the same name. This is the ancient type of tabby pattern close to the one we see in the ancestral wild cat species. The word ‘tabby’ is thought to be derived from ‘Atabi’, type of silk manufactured …

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Are We Unconsciously Racist When Selecting Cat Colour?

Is cat color preference partly based on unconscious, deep-rooted racism? Is racism a form of tribalism? Humans are essentially tribal because we struggle to live alone and therefore we must live in a group of like-minded people and support each other. This is a survival technique. If a person does not conform they can …

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Classic Tabby Cat I Feed: A Picture

This is the classic tabby cat that I feed. I can’t help it. He hisses like hell at me but he doesn’t mean it. It is just programmed behavior. Defensive. He wants to be loved…and fed. At the moment his “owner” is not feeding him because I am 😉 I know it is wrong in so many ways but I can’t say No to a cat who asks for anything. The cat’s owner should realise that and take charge.

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