Tortoiseshell cat coat formation. Infographic.

Details: The tortoiseshell cat coat pattern is formed due to a combination of genetic and developmental factors involving X-linked genes and random X-chromosome inactivation. Genetic Basis Developmental Mosaicism Modifying Factors Male Tortoiseshells In summary, the tortoiseshell coat is a striking example of how genetics and epigenetic processes like X-chromosome inactivation interact to produce complex …

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21 human sexualities and gender identities listed. The male tortoiseshell might understand.

Flags of the spectrum of sexualities and gender identities

Of course, cats don’t recognise the 21 different sexualities and gender identities that appear to be accepted nowadays. It is a different world to the way it was 10 years ago. I fully accept these identities and sexualities. I’ve always believed that there is a spectrum of feelings about one’s sexuality and gender. Although …

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Can tortoiseshell cats have white?

Calico cat or tortoiseshell and white

To fill out the question, it is asking if tortoiseshell cats can have some white fur in addition to the usual black plus orange tabby and the answer is yes but in the United States they refer to tortoiseshell cats with some white fur as ‘calico cats’. In the UK the cat fancy has …

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Picture of a tortoiseshell cat with a tooth protruding into the opening of their nostril

To almost everyone except veterinarians, this is a very unusual cat photograph. It shows the closed mouth and the nose of a tortoiseshell cat with a tooth protruding from the upper jaw into the opening of the right nostril. And if you look to the right of the picture there appears to be two …

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Describing the male tortoiseshell cat’s strange feminine behavior

Male tortoiseshell cats are rare and feminine

Male tortoiseshell cats are very rare because the genes which create the coat colour and pattern are sex linked. There should be no tortoiseshell male cats. There are some because of a minor genetic error which allows the male to develop with the combination XXY chromosomes. The double X gives it the chance to …

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Why are tortoiseshell cats nearly always female?

Dilute tortoiseshell Maine Coon photo by Robert Sijka

As you might well imagine, the reason why tortoiseshell cats are nearly always female is to do with the genetics and how the genes that dictate the coat colour and pattern are linked to the sex of the cat. Female mammals have 2 X chromosomes while males have one X and one Y chromosome. …

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