Feline tail quivering. What’s its meaning? Infographic.

The interesting aspect of domestic cat tail quivering is that it occurs during what appears to be two entirely different circumstances. In the infographic I explore a possible connection between these circumstances in the emotional state of the cat and the message that she/he wishes to impart to others. Nature’s evolution dictates that there …

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The origin of the cat tail-up greeting. Infographic.

Kitten tail-up greeting which is carried forward into adulthood in the human-to-cat relationship

The origin of the domestic cat ‘tail-up’ body language greeting is interesting and important as it highlights a central element in the human-to-cat relationship, namely that cat caregivers are perpetual mothers to their adult cats which serves to indoctrinate the adult cat into maintaining kitten behaviors one of which is the tail up greeting; …

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Wagging tails – cats versus dogs. An infographic with a mini-video

Cats versus dogs on tail wagging

RELATED: How many tail-signals does a domestic cat make? The infographic and mini-video is deliberately kept succinct and to the point despite which the information is accurate and covers the essentials. Dogs are tail waggers while cats are not really. Dogs indicate happiness with tail wagging while cats indicate the same emotion with the …

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Why is your cat’s tail always up when you are petting her, but down otherwise?

Cat tail up when petted

Essentially, domestic cats use their tail as a means of communication and its position conveys their emotions and intentions. A domestic cat holds their tail vertically – called the “tail-up” position – when greeting a friendly cat. They’ll do the same when greeting their owner. It’s a sign of relaxed confidence in the encounter. …

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Does a cat’s tail have a mind of its own?

Cat stalking and tail wagging

I am discussing the domestic cat’s tail. Having thought about this for the first time, I’ve decided that the positioning and movement of a cat’s tail is between a voluntary and an involuntary action. Therefore, it does not quite have a mind of its own but neither does the cat have direct control over …

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