Statement of Jane Goodall about the killing of Cecil the lion


This is Dame Jane Goodall’s statement about the well publicised and discussed shooting of Cecil the lion, a 13-year-old head of pride who was famous and a tourist attraction. Jane Goodall is famous as the world’s leading expert on chimpanzees having studied them in the wild in Gombe Stream National Park, Tanzania for 55 …

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Zimbabwe’s Environment Minister wants Walter Palmer to face justice in Zimbabwe

It may happen. Zimbabwe’s Environment Minister Oppah Muchinguri has said that Palmer should be extradited to Zimbabwe to face charges. She’s angry. As the Obama administration has received a 140,000 petition from American citizens requesting that Palmer is extradited to Zimbabwe, there appears to be nothing in the way of it happening unless someone …

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Over one million people sign petitions seeking justice for Cecil the lion

Petition against Walter Palmer

In two online petitions, over one million people (1,033,000 at this date) have signed up to seek justice for Cecil. In addition, over £230,000 has been donated to the University of Oxford project (WildCRU) which was engaged in studying Cecil’s behavior until it was brutally terminated by Walter Palmer. In the first petition, over …

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