Australians don’t know how many feral cats there are in their country

The Australian government, authorities and experts bombard their citizens and the rest of the world with Armageddon-like stories of the decimation of their native wildlife by their hated feral cats. They have been doing this for decades. Their so called experts say that 30 mammal species in Australia have become extinct in 200 years, …

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Australian Government Agrees Extermination of Feral Cat With Virus

The Australian government has endorsed the idea of exterminating all 15m (estimated) feral cats in Australia with a virus while protecting all of the other species in some way. It sounds like mass extermination through germ warfare. Of course, the government will have to ensure that all domestic cats are inoculated (immunised) against the …

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Is it legal to shoot feral cats anywhere in USA?

One of today’s hot cat topic is how to deal with feral cats in the USA. Broadly speaking there are two camps: the shooters and the TNRers. Although I detest arch-troller Woody, he consistently states that anyone, anywhere in the USA has the legal right to shoot feral cats (link opens a new window/tab …

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