Woman and her two cats explore America in their mobile home

This mobile home looks comfy for two cats who travel America with their owner

This is an alternative way to live. It will appeal to many. You could say that it is the ultimate form of environmental enrichment for a domestic cat provided they are kept safe which appears to be the case. I love it and a lot of other people do as well because Quin Gable …

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Reasons why men don’t like cats (or is it true?)

Cat loves man

There is actually a main reason why some men genuinely don’t like cats and a different reason why men don’t want to admit that they like cats. Although, to be clear, in this article I’m taking a stereotypical view of men. That’s slightly dangerous to put it mildly because as is the case for …

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Between 30% and 50% of partners prefer their pet to their partner

Up to 50% women or men prefer their pet to their partner

You will see various statistics on this topic. All are interesting and perhaps a little shocking. My quick research indicated that between about 30% and about 50% of people in a relationship with another person prefer their cat or dog companion compared to their human partner. One website’s article from 2022 refers to a …

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Every cat has their favourite way of being petted so find and deliver it to make them happy

Cat's sensitive spot

You’d agree that it is the sworn duty of all cat caregivers to keep their cat safe and make them happy. Those are the two goals and the former precedes the latter. I believe that every cat has a preferred way to be petted. There is no universal petting method. How cats like to …

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Duty of cat caregiver: (1) keep them safe and (2) find ways to make them happy

Grooming my cat by flea combing around his neck region which is where fleas congregate because a cat cannot groom their themselves

There are many ways to make your cat happy. One of them is shown in the video which I’ve just made. A nothing video. It is not meant to be something great. It is just meant to be an example of how cat caregivers can make their cat happy. In this instance it is …

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Why are cats perversely attracted to people who dislike them?

Domestic cats might make a beeline for cat-phobic people because they are more passive than those who want interact with the cat but are strangers

Some people think that domestic cats, rather perversely, are attracted to people who don’t like them. And if this is true at least to some extent, it deserves an explanation. And the reason is probably fairly straightforward namely that in a room of people where one or two dislike cats and into which a …

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What does a cat signal with their eyes?

Picture of Scottish Fold cat with wide open eyes

A domestic cat companion’s eyes are expressive. There are probably five basic eye configurations: Wide-open pupil i.e. a dilated pupil with wide-open eyes Narrowed eyes with a narrow slit of a pupil Half-closed eyes with the pupil in a relaxed mid-range position Closed eyes Stare Background The pupil is the aperture of the eye …

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Man asks AITA for telling girlfriend to give her cats to a shelter. Response: YTA.

Man asks AITA for demanding that his gf gives up her cats if she lives with him

Scenario: This is about the impossibility of an ailurophile living with an ailurophobe! Man gets good job and wants to buy a house. His brother will live with him. Both hate cats. His girlfriend loves cats and has 2. He tells her that she will have to give the cats to a shelter if …

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