Can cats get Ebola?

Ebola panic is gripping America. There is a need for calm especially in relation to our pets (from my perspective). At the date of this post there is no evidence that cats can get Ebola. People should be relaxed about their cat and in respect of cats that are wandering. We shouldn’t be concerned …

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Can cats pass worms to humans?

Can cats pass worms to humans? Yes, is the answer but unusually. Roundworms The name for roundworms is ‘ascarids’. Ascarids can cause a disease in humans. It is called visceral larva migrans. It is one of the top zoonotic diseases. Zoonotic diseases are those that can pass from animal to human and vice versa. …

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Some Outdoor Cat Facts

Here are some interesting cat facts relating to letting cats go outside or keeping them in. Traditionally, in the US, the preference was to let cats go outside. That has changed. In the UK the preference to let cats out continues to be the norm. In the UK, Seventy-five percent (75%) of cats are …

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Prevention of Human Toxoplasmosis Prezi

This is a carefully produced prezi on the prevention of human toxoplasmosis. A “prezi”, for people unfamiliar with the word, is a modern and more flexible version of the usual presentation using online software. I think it is an ideal way to present information about a tricky topic, which is often presented by scientists …

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Irresponsible Online Newspapers Harmful To Cat

The continued stories in online newspapers about the Toxoplasma gondii parasite and how it can infect people and travel to the brain is harmful to the image of domestic cats. The problem is that the whole thing is being exaggerated and misrepresented. They keep chewing on the same thing, putting a new spin on …

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