Mountain lions fear humans which limits their use of space particularly for males

The mountain lion is scared of people and it affects their lives negatively

A report on a study on the Science Daily website tells us something that perhaps we should know and probably do know namely that mountain lions fear humans. They are not the only wild animal fearing humans. All the wild animals on the African continent which are not socialised to humans fear them. It’s …

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Can you own a large wild cat in South Carolina?

pet pumas

No, you cannot own a large wild cat in South Carolina. What do they mean by a ‘large wild cat’? They mean these cat species: lions, tigers, leopards, jaguars, cougars, cheetahs, snow leopards, and clouded leopards. The N. Carolina law (see the Federal Big Cat Public Safety Act further down which overlaps with this …

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USDA Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service kills 200 animals per HOUR

Mountain lion in Santa Barbara County

NEWS AND COMMENT: The Guardian newspaper tells us that the USDA Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service a.k.a. ‘Wildlife Services’ (a euphemism) killed 1.7 million animals across the US in 2021 at a rate of 200 per hour. This is a reduction to their normal attrition rate which reached 5 million animals in 2008 …

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Florida panther – conservation efforts have succeeded for now

Catamount or puma

The Florida panther can be a thorn in the side of economic growth and a barrier to improving the lives of the people of Florida – discuss. It is bit of an anomaly in that it is the only puma population in the east of the US. Are there too many human settlements which …

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NIMBY rich of California refuse residential developments citing the protection of mountain lion habitat

Woodside residents use puma conservation as an excuse not to allow residential development in their area

NEWS AND COMMENT-BAY AREA, CALIFORNIA: This is a story about human population growth which requires more housing and the inevitable human-animal conflict which is ever-increasing on the planet. But it is a story with a twist because in this instance the rich are using conservation in their favour. Normally it is the opposite: the …

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Residents of Los Angeles and its environs treasure their mountain lions

Scar the 5-year-old puma mysteriously shot in Santa Ana Mountains

NEWS AND COMMENT: There is a nice relationship between the citizens of Los Angeles and its environs and the mountain lion a.k.a. the puma which is good to see. They’ve clubbed together to build the world’s largest wildlife bridge to expand the habitat of the mountain lion in the Santa Ana Mountains just north …

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