Animal sentience paves the way for dog and cat support payments on divorce

Under Spanish law, dogs and cats are sentient beings and therefore a court can make an order for the caregiving of a dog in divorce proceedings when the animal goes to live with either party

When the animal welfare laws of any country state that companion animals are sentient beings, it is a great leap forward in animal rights which is clearly apparent in a recent divorce case from Spain where the reform of the Animal Welfare Act in 2021 ensured that animals are regarded as sentient beings and …

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Argentina divorce court allowed pets to select separated owners

Dog with owners

A divorce court in Argentina gave the couple’s dogs equal rights on this one occasion and allowed the animals to select who they want to live with. The case sets a legal precedent, and it is probably a world first. The case temporarily grants rights to animals that are equal to those of humans, …

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Cats in divorce – what is best for the cat?

Cats in divorce

In the UK, and the USA, and I suspect many other so-called developed countries, the family cat is currently treated as a family asset to be divided on fairness principles just like any other family asset. The argument is that the cat, as a sentient being, should be treated as a child. In divorce …

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Divorce Over Cats

Cat hoarding

Today, Google tells me that divorce can be over such things as Covid-19, cheating, coffee, cats, cigarettes, chores, chewing tobacco, clutter, child discipline and credit card debt. Quite a list and these are just the “Cs”! And within the list is “cats”, which is timely because you may have bumped into a story on …

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Cats Used in Child Custody Wars During Divorce

children and toxoplasmosis

When a couple are married, the domestic cat is a member of the family, cherished and loved, often particularly strongly by the children of the family. When a couple are divorcing, the cat or the dog sometimes becomes a “possession” (“chattel” in old fashioned legal English) of the once happily married couple, to be …

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