Cohabitee split. Agreement on who gets the cat? Infographic.

Recommended: an agreement should be in place on who gets what when cohabitees (non-married) split up. Below the infographic is a draft agreement as a good starting point. It is not that big a deal but it provides peace of mind about something that might happen in the future. It is good for the …

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Two Alabama cat ladies sue the police and the mayor for compensation over their unlawful arrest doing TNR

Beverly Roberts shortly before her arrest. The police officer in the picture is one of those being sued for compensation. I bet he did not foresee that development. Good for Roberts. The power of women particularly elderly women. This is a body cam image from another police officer who was there.

Back in the middle of November 2022 I wrote about the shocking news of two elderly ladies arrested for carrying out TNR on public land (link to that article). They were doing the community a service. But two police officers wearing body cams handcuffed and arrested them and took them to the police station …

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Can you be fined for allowing your dog or cat to poop in your backyard?

Dog owner fined for allowing their dog to poop regularly in their backyard

The question is: “Can a cat or dog owner be punished by the local authority or sued by their neighbours for allowing their cat or dog to poop in their backyard frequently without cleaning up the mess?” And the answer is yes! But it depends on the circumstances. And the answer is based upon …

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What can I do if my neighbour has too many cats?

This is a really tricky question although people tend to oversimplify it. First, what is too many cats? It is subjective. That’s the first hurdle but let’s say that without question your neighbour has too many cats. He or she may have, let’s say, 25 cats. Nearly everybody would say that is too many …

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‘Nice’ older couple gave up their rescue cat because they chose an apartment with better amenities

Cat 'Murdock' returned to shelter as owner wants to rent apartment that bans pets

A ‘nice’ older couple adopted a nice looking former feral cat from a rescue centre. The rescue centre was very pleased and described them as a “really sweet older couple”. That’s the impression they gave and the shelter staff were very happy that Murdock had a new home. And then it went pear-shaped because …

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If my cat attacks someone, am I criminally responsible?

Mercy and one of her wounds

The answer to the question will depend on where you live because each country has their own animal and general criminal laws. However, I would expect that what I say here will apply to all developed countries. In developing countries, the law is likely to be more slipshod. In the UK, the country’s lawmakers …

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Check if you need planning permission for your catio

The catio that breached planning regulations

Catios are a very good idea because they are an excellent compromise between providing an enriched environment for your cat and safety. In my opinion, many more people should build one or even better a full-blown enclosure in their backyard. However, as is highlighted by this story, you need to make sure that either …

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