Are flea collars safe for kittens?

Cat flea collar

Flea collars are not safe for kittens unless you talk to a good veterinarian first and even then I’d consider them fundamentally unsafe but that’s a personal view. I have strong views about these products and the use of pesticides on pets. It’s essential that you take advice on these products because they are …

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Pet food manufacture damages the planet

Cat in dry cat food

Because of an increase in the number of cats and dogs on the planet, we have to factor in the environmental impact of pet food manufacture in 2020, so concluded a new study. With increased human population growth and increased popularity of cats and dogs there is an increase in pet food manufacture and …

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Ethical banks in the UK in 2020 and why cat lovers should use them!

How often do we think of alternatives to the high street banks? I don’t or I didn’t. But all of the big five UK high street banks do not have the whitest of reputations when it comes to ethical behaviour. A list of their misdeeds is too long to go over here and anyway …

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