Why do cats sulk? They don’t. Infographic.

Why do cats sulk. They don't.

Understandably we tend to humanize (anthropomorphize) our cat companions as they are often firmly members of the family and little humans. Sometimes naughty kids. But cats don’t understand the concept of human naughtiness as what we see as naughty behavior is natural behaviour for domestic cats. It is instinctively reactive to the environment created …

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Signs that a cat can’t establish his territory outside their owner’s home

Cats looking out of window might rarely lead to one succumbing to redirected aggression

In a suburban environment where there are houses and backyards (gardens) close together and where there are cat owners, often the backyard of one home is shared by more than one cat as each claims it as part of their home range. In areas of dense home and cat owning families there will be …

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Understanding the natural social organisation within cat colonies

A subordinate cat waits while a higher ranking cat eats

With more multi-cat, full-time indoor cat arrangements, it’s important that people understand the natural social organisation of cats. And perhaps the greatest problem for a cat caregiver when looking after cats in a multi-cat home is adding a cat to the “colony”. In effect a multi-cat home is a managed colony of cats. They …

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Mountain lion versus wolf: who’d win?

A young male mountain lion (follow the red arrow) in northwest Wyoming just pushed off his kill by the wolf in the foreground

The question is perhaps a little fanciful because in reality the wolf is dominant over the mountain lion as they are a pack animal. It seems that the wolf drives away the puma as they are outnumbered by a pack of wolves. They scare pumas. Wolves are dominant to pumas in most encounters as …

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The social function of tail up in domestic cats

Feral cat greeting

Introduction: This article on the social function of tail up in domestic cats is based a scientific research paper of very similar title prepared by S.Cafazzo and E.Natoli. and which was published on the internet by Science Direct. The right to read the entire document was purchased by me. It is a summarized version …

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Pet caracal dominates and frightens domestic cat (video)

Pet caracal intimidates resident domestic cat and it is unpleasant to see.

For me, this is an example of an unacceptable pet cat arrangement. This is about a Russian living in Russia who has acquired a semi-domesticated caracal, a medium-sized wild cat species and he or she also has a true domestic cat. They live together. He finds it acceptable. I don’t because the caracal is …

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