Are black cats haram?

Black cat in a mosque

The question in the title concerns Muslims and the word ‘haram’ means forbidden. The question, therefore, is asking whether a Muslim can be the owner and caregiver of a black cat as per the rules of the Quran. And the answer is yes, Muslims can own black cats and live with them because a …

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Can a cat invalidate one’s prayers in the Islamic faith?

Imam Mustafa Efe with a kitten inside his mosque: Aziz Mahmud Hüdayi Mosque, Istanbul

There are some strict rules for Muslims when praying. One of them concerns things happening in front of the worshipper when praying. The rules on this specific aspect of praying are nicely encapsulated on the Islam Question and Answer website (thank you). Remarkably there is a disconcerting distinction between a ‘woman, a donkey or …

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Cat jumps on imam during prayers at Ramadan and he carries on as normal

Cat sits on imam's shoulder while he delivers prayers

This is what I and anyone else would expect but it would not happen in a Christian church would it? I’ve seen cats at Chrisitan churches but not on a priest’s shoulders during a service! It is not uncommon for domestic cats to live in mosques. And clearly this imam is a cat lover …

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Taliban likely to ban dogs but accept cats

Dog are unclean according to muslims

Paul ‘Pen’ Farthing and cats and dogs were evacuated from Kabul Airport at 4:30 PM Saturday 28th August. Please read on. This is a quick note about the rapid Taliban takeover of Afghanistan and what might ensue. The truth is we don’t know for sure because their history is frankly appalling in terms of …

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Will Afghanistan’s Taliban government treat cats well?

Islamist uses cats in sick and bizarre way to get recruits.

NEWS AND COMMENT: In a press conference yesterday, the Taliban spokesman provided a clear, overriding message to everyone which was that they want peace in Afghanistan and talented and hard-working people to remain. In essence, they want things to carry on as before except it will be an Islamic state run under strict Sharia …

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