Banned cat sanctuary owner believed in homeopathy and not vets

The Cat Survival Trust

The owner of a large cat sanctuary has been informed that he will face a ban from owning animals following his conviction on animal welfare charges. Terrence Moore, who runs the Cat Survival Trust in Welwyn, Hertfordshire, was convicted on four counts of causing unnecessary suffering to animals. The court heard that the 77-year-old …

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RSPCA prosecute Kurt Zouma and his brother Yoan under the Animal Welfare Act 2006

Kurt Zouma

This is an update on the viral new story concerning Kurt Zouma and his brother Yoan who respectively kicked the family cat and videoed the kicking. To add insult to injury Yoan uploaded his video to social media which resulted in catastrophic criticism of the pair, booing on the pitch and now prosecution for …

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5 women and 3 men who have killed cats in washing machines

Washing machine used by a teenager in Britain to suffocate a cat overnight

This was a difficult article to write. However, I think it needs writing because the washing machine is a killing machine in some households. Women are more likely to use the machine than men to kill cats. This might be because they use the machine more often. It doesn’t happen that often, but it’s …

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Cat cruelty has to be bad to get 364 days in jail and it was

Cheryn Smilen, 56, pleaded guilty to animal cruelty after she starved cats to death

SOUTH FLORIDA, USA – NEWS AND COMMENT: If you don’t mind, I won’t go onto great detail but Cheryn Smilen, 56, pleaded guilty to animal cruelty charges after she starved cats that she had hoarded in her small apartment. She was a self-style cat rescuer. In truth she was a cruel cat ‘murderer’. As …

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New York City exotic animal trader sold wildcat kittens as house pets

Young caracals believed to be the ones traded by Casacci

NEWS AND VIEWS: In violation of New York State law governing the commercial possession and sale of wild cat species such as the caracal and serval, Christopher Casacci, 38, of Amherst, traded in these exotic African cats under the guise of selling domestic pets. He sold dozens of caracals and servals for $7,500 to …

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Not guilty: Edmonton Humane Society employee on trial for leaving three cats in a van for three weeks

Case paperwork showing on of the cats

EDMONTON, CANADA: You may remember this case from spring 2018. It was quite high profile at the time and was treated as a serious event by the Humane Society resulting in Mariah Berini being charged with causing or permitting animals to be in distress under the Animal Protection Act and failing to provide adequate …

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CPS wrong to charge Brighton cat killer with criminal damage

Brighton cat killer charged

The police have arrested a man who they believe attacked 16 cats, nine of whom where killed over eight months in Brighton, England, UK. His name is Steven Bouquet, 52, a security guard. The Crown Prosecution Service decided to charge him with criminal damage under the Criminal Damage Act 1971 rather than animal cruelty …

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