What PETA really stands for. Infographic.

What PETA really stands for. Infographic.

This is an attempt to summarise in an infographic what PETA stands for based on their literature given to me. I wholly support PETA. I believe that there are a lot of misconceptions expressed on the internet about PETA by well-intentioned people who may have got the wrong end of the stick. And I …

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Is PETA against owning pets?

The cute world of pet ownership is not always as cute as it seems. PETA demands improvements or no pets at all.

First, I would like to disclose the fact that I am a great supporter of PETA. Not everyone is, though as I would expect as PETA has to take a strong position in support of animal welfare. The world needs this organisation. Many people dislike it. There is a substantial group of vocal people …

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Scandalous abuse of cats and dogs at The Veterinarians’ Blood Bank (TVBB)


I don’t know where to start this story as it is so big and distressing. It is yet another story of how humankind finds another way of abusing animals this time under the guise of doing something good namely providing blood to veterinary clinics. The blood comes from The Veterinarians’ Blood Bank (TVBB). A …

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Animal advocate says that PETA is urging public officials to kill more animals

Boe was an emaciated dog tethered all his life and who suffered from cancer. He was euthanised by PETA.

Nathan Winograd, a man who I admire and who describes himself as “The voice of America’s displaced pets and the conscience of the animal sheltering industry” literally hates PETA for the fact that they euthanize too many companion animals. Winograd and PETA have entirely different attitudes towards euthanasia. Winograd hammers PETA In a recent …

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Do you think you can improve animal welfare by asking nicely?

Animal Rising protests are good

The reason why campaigning animal advocates such as members of Animal Rising have to be so disruptive of the day-to-day activities of the general public is because it is the only way they can get a result. You can’t ask the general public nicely to stop eating meat in order to put a brake …

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What is PETA’s policy on TNR (trap-neuter-release) and feral cats?

PETA on TNR and feral cats

“PETA’s position has never been that all feral cats should be euthanized.” The Infographic above explains PETA’s policy on TNR and feral cats in general. There has to be an overlap between their policy on TNR and their policy on feral cats. PETA has a reputation for killing cats. Some people think that they …

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4 quotes from Ingrid Newkirk, PETA’s founder, on domestic cats

It is useful to try and get inside the head of Ingrid Newkirk on the issue of domestic cats. Does she approve of them? The same question applies to dogs. Newkirk has one of the most persuasive voices in animal welfare worldwide. She is the co-founder of PETA with fellow animal rights activist Alex …

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