Why do cats sleep in their litter box?

Cat sleeping in their litter box because they are stressed

The main reason why a domestic cat might sleep in their litter box – as shown in the photograph below – is because it strongly smells of their scent due to the presence of poop residue (after it has been cleaned) which means that it is a reassuring place to them. This will be …

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Why do domestic cats exchange scent with their human caregiver?

Cat Rubbing Up against Person's Legs

Why do domestic cats carry out ‘scent exchange’ with their owner? First of all, what is scent exchange? It may not be apparent to a cat caregiver that it is taking place. However, it happens very often, particularly when a cat owner comes home and their cat greets them. The cat will do one …

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Scented human objects alone do not reassure domestic cats when their caregiver is away

Gabs sleeping on a book to keep cooler

New Scientist reports on a study which tells us that scented human objects alone do not reassure domestic cats when their caregiver is away. I’ll explain what that means. There is a general belief that if you leave an item of used clothing with your cat while you are away it can reassure them. …

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Why do snow leopards have enlarged nasal cavities?

Snow leopard Flehmen response

The question in the title is a reference to the Jacobson’s organ a.k.a. the vomeronasal organ. The question in the title is slightly inaccurate as the vomeronasal organ is a separate to the usual nasal cavities. All cats and some other animals (snakes and many mammals) have this and it is located inside the …

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