Cat Breed?

by firdausz (Malaysia) Ojos Azules? Can anybody email me at the type of breed of my kitten as attached photo Answer: This would appear to be an Ojos Azules cat, as this cat typically has blue eyes and a coat that is not white or color pointed. However, this is a kitten and …

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Cat Dexterity

I don’t think people think about cat dexterity that much (dexterity: “skill and grace in physical movement, especially in the use of the hands; adroitness.” – The Free Dictionary). The skills of a cat using paw and eye coordination with finely tuned muscle control are somewhat hidden or played down. But they are there. …

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Cat’s Purr

Contented cat reproduced under creative commons © Bizzy Girl (Flickr) A cat’s purr is another thing that we don’t have and could do with. I’ve banged on and on about how cats are better than humans in some ways. The cat has heighten senses, is more athletic etc. The cat’s purr is unique to …

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Burmese Cat Health

Burmese Cat

by Michael (London, UK) This page on Burmese Cat Health is in addition to the information on the Burmese cat page. Firstly, I would like to expand on the well-known and disastrous “head defect”. Ross D Clark, DVM in his book “Medical, Genetic & Behavioral Aspects of Purebred Cats” states that this is a …

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Bobtail cats, One of my Bobtails

by Leslie (Wynne, AR) Bobtail cat – Tiger Shark – 11 week old male. I would like to know anyone’s opinion on what breed of Bobtail cat we have. We have always called our cats Manx cats. However, after learning that there are different types of tailless cats, I am not so sure anymore. …

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