You might not like your cat’s loving licks

Cat licking human hand in an act of affection is nice but some people might dislike it.

Domestic cats often instinctively lick their human caregiver on the hand and sometimes the face. It is called allogrooming. It is a friendly behavior that we see between cat buddies and as cats see us as buddies because we care for them, they lick us too. There are some other reasons why cats lick …

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The distribution of Fel D1, the cat allergen (antigen) on and in a cat’s hair and skin

Studies analysed the distribution of the Fel D1 antigen produced by the domestic cat which is deposited on the cat's skin and on their fur and is inside the skin and fur as well. Most of it comes from the sebaceous glands.

A lot has been written and published on the Internet about the allergen produced by the cat, Fel D1, which causes an allergic reaction in between 10% and 20% of people. Technically, an allergen is an antigen. Historically, people generally believed that the Fel D1 allergen is in a domestic cat’s saliva. But it …

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Is it okay to lick my cat?

Woman licks her cat as she wants to behavior like a true cat mom

Is the question relevant to our lives? People ask it nonetheless. But frankly it is almost irrelevant. However, exceedingly rarely some cat owners do lick their cat and an avowed and self-declared crazy cat lady does it all the time because she wants to behave like a true mother cat caring for her newborn …

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Cat Saliva. A Discussion

Cat saliva is similar to human saliva. It contains bacteria as does human saliva. It also contains antibacterial agents that helps prevent infections. Cat saliva does not contain antiseptics or disinfectants. Here is the detail…. When people, who know a bit about cats, think of cat saliva they might think of four things (a) …

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