Australian cats convicted of serial killing to be imprisoned in perpetuity

The domestic cat as a criminal to be imprisoned in Australia

Banning domestic cats from public places in all Australia is now a distinct possibility. The war by the authorities against free-roaming domestic cats and feral cats in Australia has been relentless and it is having an effect on the attitudes of the citizens. The vast majority support confining cats to the home all the …

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In India cats and dogs are wary of the greater bandicoot rat

Domestic cat encounters a greater bandicoot rat in a slum in India

Sometimes commenters on the Internet suggest that rats can be controlled by domestic and community cats. I’m referring to “community cats” because in this article I am also referring to India where the community cat is a major feature of the relationship between humans and cats. There are many more community cats than there …

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Pointless task in listing all the species of animal that the domestic cat eats

Domestic cat predation

The New Scientist reports on a group of scientists who are drawing up a comprehensive list of all the animals that the domestic cat eats. So far, their list contains 2048 species made up of “981 birds, 463 reptiles, 431 mammals – including humans – 119 insects, 57 amphibians and another 33 species belonging …

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Domestic cat predatory behaviour linked to hunger, prey size and personality

Domestic cat predation behaviour is dependent of 3 factors: personality, hunger and prey size

It is commonly said that hunger does not dictate whether a domestic cat engages in predatory behaviour as domestic cats instinctively hunt and this desire is not influenced by whether they are hungry or not. However, the picture is more nuanced than that according to the findings of a study which was published along …

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Why are cats so creepy sometimes?

Why are cats creepy sometimes?

You see the question in the title from time to time on the Internet. Obviously, some people think domestic cats are creepy, which is sad. They are not creepy but we have to respect those who think they are. The kind of person who might think cats are creepy are those who might be …

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Cat owners are unconcerned about wildlife predation by their cats

Brightly coloured collar help to protect birds from cat predation

There is a lot of talk nowadays about the killing of small mammals, marsupials and reptiles plus birds by unsupervised domestic cats outdoors, stray cats and feral cats. This topic highlights the biggest negative against domestic cat ownership currently on the agenda. Since 2005 there have been discussions about how to minimise the impact …

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Cats would be better pets if they weren’t great predators

The domestic cat is a top predator. Should we live with them?

Many cat owners might say that their domestic cat companion is an excellent pet. I’m going to say something which is almost heretical and something which sounds anti-cat as if said by a cat hater. But I’m not; I am a cat lover and a realist. And with that character trait, I have to …

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Does feeding a domestic cat blunt their desire to hunt?

Confine your cat to stop him bringing mice into the home

To rephrase the title, you might ask the following question: “Do well-fed domestic cats hunt as much and with the same conviction as cats that aren’t fed?” The best answer that I can find on this topic is from Dr. Jon Bradshaw in his book Cat Sense. He is far more nuanced in his …

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