Leopard kept on biting the cheek, ear and head of erotic model

Troja and Jessica

EASTERN GERMANY – NEWS AND COMMENT: An erotic model has been scarred for life after a captive leopard at a retirement home for show animals attacked her. She was inside the leopard’s enclosure at the time doing a photoshoot. At one stage the authorities thought that the leopard had escaped but that was not …

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Do leopards fight lions?

Leopard escapes lion in tree

The truth of the matter is that leopards “become extremely cautious around larger predators such as lions and tigers, and prefer to retreat to cover or the safe haven of a tree rather than face a direct encounter”. That, I believe, satisfactorily answers the question in the title. They don’t want to fight lions …

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Where is the black panther cat from?

Ghost markings of the black panther aka melanistic jaguar

The term “black panther” normally refers to a black leopard or jaguar and it can also refer to a black mountain lion (puma). So, you can see that the ‘black panther cat’ is actually three different species of wild cat. Therefore, to answer the question in the title you have to ask where the …

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Can leopards change their spots?

A leopard cannot change its spots

No, an individual leopard can’t change their spots once they are fully developed. But the background colour varies considerably across the cats huge distribution. And leopard markings are, in fact, dark spots to rosettes which vary in ‘size, shape, thickness of margins and whether the margins are broken into two, three, four or even …

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Are leopards and black panthers the same?

Black leopard

Yes, leopards and black panthers are the same but I have to add that the phrase “black panthers” refers to any melanistic (black) large wild cat. As a consequence it also applies to jaguars and pumas (there are no black tigers or lions). They are also called melanistic leopards. Melanism is a genetic mutation …

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Are black panthers dangerous to humans?

Poggi and Dasha

Background “Black panthers” normally refers to melanistic leopards. These are leopards that are born black (dark charcoal) because of a genetic mutation. They are called melanistic leopards. I’m referring to the common leopard. Although the term “black panther” can also refer to other big cats black pumas or jaguars. The black jaguar is frequently …

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4th-century mosaic of leopard attacking an antelope to stay in Britain

4th century Roman mosaic of leopard attacking an antelope from Dorset, UK

It is hoped that a Roman mosaic from the 4th-century of a leopard attacking an antelope, which was discovered in the grounds of Dewlish House in Dorset in 1974, will stay in the country. It is the sort of historical work of art which should not be allowed to go overseas and which should …

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