USDA Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service kills 200 animals per HOUR

Mountain lion in Santa Barbara County

NEWS AND COMMENT: The Guardian newspaper tells us that the USDA Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service a.k.a. ‘Wildlife Services’ (a euphemism) killed 1.7 million animals across the US in 2021 at a rate of 200 per hour. This is a reduction to their normal attrition rate which reached 5 million animals in 2008 …

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Wuhan’s ban on eating wild animals is an admission of guilt and a PR exercise

Wet market in China

NEWS/VIEWS – OPINION ARTICLE: Reports are all over the Internet of the local administration of the city of Wuhan (11 million people) banning the eating of all wild animals. The city also banned almost all hunting of wild animals within its limits. They declared themselves a wildlife sanctuary (laugh). However, the exceptions they include …

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Carrie Symonds signed petition calling for ban on wild animal markets

End wild animal trade

In Carrie’s words,’Have signed this petition calling for an end to the global wildlife trade once and for all. Please do consider doing the same. This crisis gives us the chance to start doing things better. Let this be one of those things’. It is almost certain and widely accepted that the coronavirus crisis …

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European Union failing to support developing countries to stop wildlife trafficking

It is shocking to be told that thousands of products made from tigers, elephants, rhinos and other endangered species are being traded in Britain and throughout the European Union.  The reason is poor and disjointed controls at ports and airports.  It’s another European Union mess to put it frankly. It is estimated that only …

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Both Rich and Poor Nations Responsible for Decline in Wildlife

In different ways both rich and poor countries share the blame for a halving in wildlife populations since 1970. Over this time the world’s human population has neatly doubled. Africa has the sharpest increase as I recall. Most of the decline in mammals, birds, reptiles, fish and amphibians over the past 40 years has …

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