‘Staggering disease’ in wild and domestic cats and the viruses that cause it

Staggering disease

There is an article in the online news media today (24th August 2024) about a female mountain lion in Colorado, USA, which was seen staggering around with paralysed hind legs. The journalist said that the cat suffered from “staggering disease”. That’s a generic term which doesn’t specify the virus causing it. But in this …

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You can help save the lives of rescue animals in Colorado (1st Feb 2024)

You can help save the lives of rescue animals in Colorado (1st Feb 2024)

Colorado’s legislature is discussing a new animal welfare law. It is before the House Agriculture, Water & Natural Resources Committee. That sounds a bit boring but this is an important law which people in America can help push through. The law would make it obligatory for Colorado animal shelters to notify qualified and licensed …

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Colorado law designed to ensure high standard, ‘socially conscious’ animal shelters

Colorado House chambers at the state Capitol

I like this law which is currently going through the Colorado legislature. Not everyone does who is involved in debating it but it appeals to me. I particularly like the concept of setting standards which create “socially conscious shelters”. I interpret that as a step higher in the scale of quality from “no-kill” shelters. …

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Business beats animal welfare in Colorado

Business beats animal welfare in Colorado, USA

COLORADO, USA – DENVER POST REPORTS: A law designed to stop puppy and kitten mills supplying pet stores has been dropped because ‘we cannot be anti-business’ in the words of Republican Richard Holtorf, who sits on the Colorado House Rural Affairs and Agriculture Committee of the legislature. No doubt the bill was intended to …

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Is this the first time that a mountain lion has been killed with bare hands?

How to deal with a mountain lion attack

There is an extraordinary story in the online newspapers this morning about a trail runner killing a mountain lion with his bare hands. In other words he strangled the cat. It is the first time that I have heard of a person strangling a mountain lion. Although, this was a juvenile weighing about 80 …

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