My cat is not eating but acting normally. What’s wrong?

Cat is acting normally except for not eating. What might be the cause?

I have taken the title from the Catster website as it troubles me because if a cat isn’t eating, they are not acting normally. The title doesn’t make sense. It is, I believe, asking why a cat is behaving normally except for one aspect of their behaviour namely eating. What might cause this? Stress …

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Working out a domestic cat’s age from appearance

Young rescue cat estimated to be 12 months old

It is more difficult to work out a domestic cat’s age from appearance than it is to do the same thing with humans. Normally, most people can work out a human’s age from appearance to within 5-10 years, which as a percentage of their lifespan is about 10%. To hit that target for cats …

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List of oldest living and deceased domestic cats 2023

Henry who was at one time the oldest living domestic cat

Here is a spreadsheet listing the oldest living and deceased domestic cats as at 2023. I have to come clean right away and say that this list although very comprehensive might not be completely current as things obviously change and quite quickly as the living elderly cats will be dying. It needs to be …

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At what age does a cat lose its baby teeth? Assessing kitten age.

Discarded baby canine tooth of a young cat at the age of 6 months as her permanent teeth come through

A cat owner on the website (user u/maifoothurts) asked whether young cats lose their baby teeth. The question was accompanied by a pretty stark photograph which you can see below of a canine tooth which had snapped off and come to rest on the living room floor. The answer is yes. See the …

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Infographic cat age calculator

Cat age calculator in an infographic

A lot has been written about comparing cat age with human age so we can get a feel for the age of our cat companions on our terms. Back in the day there was a simple formula: multiple the cat’s age by 7 to get their human age equivalent. But this is not accurate …

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Domestic cat life stages (6) plus age-related health issues

Cat life stages

We are told that veterinarians divide a domestic cat’s lifespan into six life stages. They do this to be able to provide better health care. I’ll guess and presume that at a certain life stage it is sensible and more productive for a vet to carry out certain age specific screenings. Also, the life …

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Taylor Swift celebrates Benjamin Button’s 22nd birthday (human years)

Taylor Swift celebrates her cat Benjamin Button's 22nd birthday in human years

The last video on Taylor Swift’s TikTok page (May 13, 2022) is the one you see on this page in which she celebrates Benjamin button’s 22nd birthday in human years. If you work backwards using the classic formula which is not actually that accurate and assume that every cat year is seven human years, …

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