Cat Aggressive After Anesthesia

People search for information about cats being aggressive after they have been anesthetised at a veterinary clinic and return home. The question is: does the anaesthetic change the cat’s personality from calm to aggressive or is something else happening such as “Feline Non-Recognition Aggression”? Something else is happening in my opinion, although anaesthetics can …

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Are you a Cat Sniffer and Are You Willing To Admit it?

Michael Broad’s recent article, “What do cats smell like?” delighted me so much that it instantly inspired me to write my own article concerning a little secret for years about which I had been more than slightly reluctant to share openly. It was only when, many years ago, that I ran across a question …

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How does a cat know when you are coming home?

I’ll speculate and keep this short. Cats sense when you are about to come home because your scent in the home, in the air, has faded to a certain point which is precisely inline with the time you usually come home. In other words your cat can tell the difference in the strength of …

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Snow Leopard’s Flehmen Response on Camera Trap Video

This video shows the beautiful snow leopard beautifully, in the wild, on top of a high ridge in the Upper Spiti landscape in Himashal Pradesh, India. The wonderfully fit looking and athletic snow leopards that you see in the video are a mother and her two cubs who are grown up. You can see …

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Friendly sibling cats dislike each other after move

This is a strange cat behavior problem and I don’t have a ready made answer. Or any solid answer except some guesses or more questions. The problem has been raised by one of the Catster visitors and we are going to try and find a solution because the Catster site can’t 😉 The Problem …

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