Baby red panda probably died from stress of fireworks reminding us how they can affect cats and dogs

Zoo fears red panda cub died from stress caused by fireworks

Anyone who lives with a cat or dog and is truly concerned about their welfare will hate fireworks or they should do in my honest opinion. I detest fireworks. And it is not only because I’m concerned about my cat. It’s because they are noisy. I don’t understand why people like to listen to …

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Five reasons in an INFOGRAPHIC why some cats foul the house

Five reasons why a cat might defecate inappropriately

‘Fouling’ means defecating in this instance. Domestic cat marking with faces as opposed to urine is not uncommon and the reason behind the territorial marking will fundamentally be the same. Other than territorial issues there is health and the all-important litter box management in terms of cleanliness and position. The size of the litter …

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INFOGRAPHIC explains trans-generational effects of prenatal stress in cats and other mammals

Trans-generational effects of prenatal stress in cats and other mammals in an infographic

‘Trans-generational’ means: through the generations i.e. something that is passed down or extends across multiple generations. In various contexts, it describes processes, effects, behaviors, or patterns that are inherited or transmitted from one generation to the next. ‘Prenatal’ means: relating to the medical and other care given to pregnant females before their offspring are born. I have converted this interesting research (cited below) into …

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A lesson about getting a veterinarian’s second opinion before surrendering your cat

Dean who was misdiagnosed by one vet as being in good health but another vet diagnosed a large bladder stone causing him to urinate outside the litter box

I don’t know much about this first case of inappropriate elimination in this article but I feel it is important to report it. The story comes from and the first posting is from a person who asks, “Should I get rid of my cat?” The owner, in exasperation, was asking users about …

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Assessment of cat behaviour during a cat show tells us that they are habituated to them

Cat at a cat show. The picture was created by AI's DALL E 3. The cat is a ginger tabby glamorous household pet as the cat fancy calls non-purebreds

In general cat show cats are habituated to the noise and unfamiliar people. There’s a study out online entitled “Assessment of cats’ behaviour during a cat show“. The scientits came to the conclusion that “the cat show environment represents a situation full of stressful stimuli for the cat; despite this, our results have identified …

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Sometimes cats don’t know when you are coming home but they wait for hours behind the door

Cat howls when left alone for 30 minutes and carries a lead in their mouth

I will tell you why a lot of domestic cats give the impression that they know when their owner is coming home. They don’t know exactly when their owner is coming home. They might have a clue plus or minus an hour or two. That’s if their owner follows a routine. But if they …

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How many cat scratching posts do you need in a multi-cat home?

How many cat scratching posts do you need in a multi-cat home?

I think this is quite a complicated question and I’ll try and tell you why. I’m mainly thinking of the full-time indoor cat scenario where there might be half a dozen cats living in the owner’s home. From the cats’ perspective, the house will be divided up into six ‘home ranges’ which overlap in …

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Why do cats sleep in their litter box?

Cat sleeping in their litter box because they are stressed

The main reason why a domestic cat might sleep in their litter box – as shown in the photograph below – is because it strongly smells of their scent due to the presence of poop residue (after it has been cleaned) which means that it is a reassuring place to them. This will be …

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