If you wanted to adopt a cat, would you adopt a really mean one to spare his life?

Wizard the mean shelter cat learned to love his new family

The question in the title is asking whether you would adopt a shelter cat slated for euthanasia because he had been evaluated by shelter staff as aggressive and unadoptable. This is what can happen to rescue cats when they behave badly at shelters. The staff sometimes for the right reasons and sometimes for bad …

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Pictures of sad shelter cats and interesting bios improve chance of adoption

Pictures of sad shelter cats tend to go viral and enhance chance of adoption

This post was inspired by ex-shelter cat ‘Fishtopher’ who was a long-term resident at the Homeward Bound Pet Adoption Center in Blackwood, New Jersey, USA. The picture got him out of there. Not that it is a bad place. But it is shelter and shelters are not great places for cats or dogs. Too …

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Video shows you how much rescue cats appreciate being adopted

Rescue cat is ecstatic on being rescued from a rescue center

Sentience?! You are unsure if domestic cats are sentient beings with feelings? You are unsure if you should adopt a rescue cat or buy a purebred cat? Well, this video should alter your thoughts for the better. This big, tabby rescue cat has just been adopted by a small woman and look at the …

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Only remaining cat at a shelter is finally adopted through a novel veterinary program

Bell emerges from her hiding place in her enclosure

You may be familiar with Bell, a female ginger tabby, who in a video from the Gaston County Animal Care and Enforcement Shelter is shown to be the last cat at the facility (see link below). Many readers of the story were heartbroken to see this timid female cat creeping out from under a …

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This woman adopted this 20-year-old cat from a shelter because she didn’t want him to spend the end of his life alone in a cage

This woman adopted this 20-year-old cat from a shelter because she didn't want him to spend the end of his life alone in a cage

I have taken the words in the title direct from the Reddit user who posted the photo because they are excellent. And the attitude of the woman is excellent. The photograph captures the moment beautifully and so it’s excellent too. I’ve seen this type of human behaviour a few times over 14 years. In …

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