New $75 million animal shelter opened in Queens, New York City, is already overwhelmed at 210% capacity

This is an interesting little story about a brand-new $75 million animal shelter which opened in Queens, New York City, which was designed to hold 72 dogs. You may flinch at the thought of that because it means that the costs is more than $1 million per dog although it is an initial cost …

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Los Angeles Animal Services (LAAS) is treating shelter dogs abysmally

LAAS animal pound showing dogs in distress through neglect

This is a further report thanks to Nathan Winograd who keeps an eye on the state of play regarding animal shelters in America. Thank God for that. It needs to happen. He says, in general terms, that “animal shelters are returning to old practices, including more killing, despite declining intakes”. He believes that the …

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Winograd’s excoriating criticism of Los Angeles Animal Services (infographic)

Los Angeles Animal Services volunteers say that cat rooms are mostly empty because the cats are turned away and abandoned and fed across the street!

In an article by Nathan Winograd published 8 March 2024, he criticises in the strongest possible terms the Los Angeles Animal Services (LAAS) and the six city shelters (pounds) run by it. He is particularly critical of Jake Miller the volunteer coordinator for LAAS. Winograd says that Miller emailed the volunteers to say that …

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THE NO KILL COMPANION is a reference manual by Nathan Winograd

The No Kill Companion is a reference manual for legislators, policymakers, shelter managers, media, advocates, and other stakeholders

Nathan Winograd is the architect of the no kill animal shelter movement in the USA. Well, that’s how I regard him. He’s famous for being an animal advocate specialising in saving the lives of shelter animals. He’s probably saved the lives of hundreds of thousands if not millions of animals over the years with …

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War machine Russia becomes uncivilised towards stray dogs and cats

Shelter dogs in the east of Russia being shipped west by train to save their lives.

In Putin’s big push to win the war in Ukraine he has increased the military budget to 30% of GDP. The average in the West is around 2%. In 2024, Russia is a war machine and a terrorist state. Most citizens of Russia are unaware of it except that they must be seeing substantially …

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Humane Animal Support Services. A discussion and one criticism.

HASS system can leave stray cats and dogs on the street in harsh weather

Nathan Winograd got me thinking about a program called Humane Animal Support Services (HASS). He doesn’t like the programme or at least one aspect of it. He says that under this program “regressive pounds” turn away animals that need a shelter. The program was created by Austin Pets Alive and “embraced” by Best Friends …

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US animal shelter ‘industry’ accused of endemic uncaring attitude and corruption

Hope a Yorkshire terrier stolen by an animal control officer

Well, this is a bit of a shocker: Nathan Winograd says this about the animal shelter ‘industry’ in the US in commenting about an animal control officer who stole a dog: A New York animal control officer was arrested for stealing Hope, a family’s 9-year-old dog. After Hope was found by a neighbor and …

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Animal rescuers are suing New York City Animal Care and Control (ACC) for violating their First Amendment rights

Animal rescuers are suing ACC for violating their first amendment rights

This is an interesting story for animal rescuers and shelter reform advocates. They are suing New York City Animal Care and Control (ACC), which is a government run animal rescue organisation, because that organisation, on Facebook, filters out and deletes comments criticising them. They are, in effect, preventing the right of people to criticise …

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