Understanding the natural social organisation within cat colonies

A subordinate cat waits while a higher ranking cat eats

With more multi-cat, full-time indoor cat arrangements, it’s important that people understand the natural social organisation of cats. And perhaps the greatest problem for a cat caregiver when looking after cats in a multi-cat home is adding a cat to the “colony”. In effect a multi-cat home is a managed colony of cats. They …

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Animal shelters are reluctant to allow a person to foster a cat if they have an existing cat

New cat

There appears to be a distinct difference in opinion between animal shelters and cat owners. I’m told that there is an increase in multi-cat homes in the US. I don’t know the percentage of homes in which there are several cats in that country but it must be substantial. But if you want to …

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5 tips on bringing a new cat into a child’s home (infographic)

Infographic on 5 tips about introducing a new cat to a kid's home

I realise that a lot of this is common sense. I also realise that to many experienced cat caregivers these tips won’t be that useful. However, there are many young mums with young kids who decide to adopt a cat companion to make their family complete and add that little bit of extra soul …

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Should a new cat be the same or the opposite sex to the resident cat?

Young cat kneads older cat

Should a new cat be the same or the opposite sex to the resident cat? To put it another way, when adopting a second cat, is it better to get one of the same sex, or the opposite sex, of your current cat? You are not going to get a definitive, science-backed, clear answer …

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