Social worker for disabled children adopts kitty with additional needs


There is a beautiful match up here between rescue cat and adopter. The story comes from the Bridgend branch of Cats Protection in South Wales. Arlo’s hydrocephalus (water on the brain) is congenital (present at birth) we are told, which causes a slightly misshapen head. So he looks a bit different with his head …

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Seeing cats differently; from being literally thrown away to Instagram fame

Trident, a three-legged flame pointed Siamese type cat

People see cats differently. It is amazing how differently. For one unknown person this tiny, cute, three-legged, probably non-purebred, flame pointed Siamese-type cat was no more than rubbish as he was found alone in Red Rock Canyon, Nevada1. Red Rock Canyon is a national conservation area. It is rocky, beautiful and desert-like. I wonder …

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Sweet Kanga Roo: a cat with radial hypoplasia and a full, happy life

Kanga Roo

This is a super sweet cat suffering from a congenital condition called radial hypoplasia (also known as radial agenesis – see image by Sarah Hartwell at base of page). At one time there was an attempt to turn this unfortunate condition into a cat breed (‘Twisty Cats’ or ‘Squitten‘), believe it or not (but not …

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There is no such thing as “disability” for cats

Disability is seeing things as half empty. It is better to see things as half full as Honey Bee does instinctively. In fact she doesn’t even think about her disability at all. I believe that this is a lesson for many humans. Cats do teach us lessons if we are open to them.   …

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Amputee Travels over 1000 Miles To Adopt Another Amputee

Brian Gentilotti lives in Massachusetts. Brian lost his right leg because of a motorcycle accident in 2006. He elected to have the amputation because there were complications in repairing his leg. Brian was volunteering for a children’s camp for kids who were amputees in or near Ponte Vedra, Florida. Tim Houston, 10, introduced Brian …

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