FIP awareness advocate builds an indoor playground for his 24 cats

This is a happy ending story I want to share because, face it, we all need a happy ending right about now. It will also be short since the video and photos are most important. I would absolutely love to do this! Can you imagine 300 linear feet of walkways and approximately 16 tunnels? …

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Cracks Appearing in the Concept of Cat Cafés

It is not as easy as some businessmen think to make a success out of the cat café while ensuring the highest standards of cat welfare. There is a cat café in Singapore called Cuddles (a good name). It opened in September 2014. Having read the story of this troubled cat café I have …

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Cornell University Discovers Mutation That Causes FIP

According to the Cornell Chronicle issue dated June 21, 2013, scientists at the university have identified the exact changes that turn a harmless virus into the deadly virus responsible for feline infectious peritonitis (FIP). This is a major breakthrough, as research has been going on for 30+ years in hopes of finding the mutation …

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Modern Treatments for FIV, FeLV and FIP

Today I’d like to discuss promising new medical breakthroughs in treating FIV, FeLV and FIP in cats. While the new medications aren’t a cure, they do buy an infected cat some time, as well as improve their quality of life. I’m especially excited about a breakthrough in FIP. More on that later. FIV = …

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Feline Infectious Peritonitis (FIP) in Plain Language

FIP is caused by a virus. A virus is the sort of organism that gives us the common cold. The virus that causes FIP is a coronavirus – feline enteric coronavirus (FeCV). In infected cats the virus is found in: feces urine saliva FIP is spread from cat to cat but requires prolonged exposure …

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