Taurine is essential for cat health AND it may extend the lives of humans

Red Bull contains taurine which may extend human lifespan by 8 years!!

Taurine has been discussed a lot on the internet in the context of the domestic cat’s diet as it is an essential nutrient. For cats a diet lacking in sufficient quantities of taurine can lead to taurine deficiency the symptoms of which can include feline taurine retinopathy, or more commonly, feline central retinal degeneration …

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Best cat food – informative overview discussion

Cat eating

Preamble This page has been refreshed, added-to, and republished as at January 2022. IT IS IN 2 PAGES WITH A 2ND PAGE LINK. All website pages need to go through a review and rebuild process after about 10 or more years in my opinion. That’s what I am doing here. Things change and these …

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A vegetarian cat? No. But manufactured vegetarian cat food containing all the necessary nutrients. Yes.

Vegetarian cat food

This page is in two parts. The first part was written about 13 years ago. The second part was written recently and is an updating section. The page has been checked, refreshed and republished as at January 13, 2022. This is necessary because everything changes. Certainly, the market in cat foods and particularly vegan …

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Domestic cats had to hunt before the 1980s to obtain the correct nutrients

Dry cat food at a clinic

Summary: Before the 1980s pet food was not great. Due to ignorance, it did not contain all the required nutrients for cats. They had to hunt to ensure they had a balanced diet containing the nutrients they needed. The title to this article might surprise people. It surprised me when I read about this …

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Stable isotopes in cats’ whiskers tell us that domestic cats who hunt tend to leave prey uneaten

Cat with mouse at door locked out as forbidden to bring prey animals in

Stable isotopes in hair can reveal dietary protein sources. Scientists from the University of Exeter, UK, trimmed a whisker from each domestic cat participating in their study; once at the start and once at the end of the study. These domestic cats were allowed outside to hunt. They measured the stable isotope ratios in …

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