Domestic cats can only get their taurine through eating animal proteins. True or false?


My favourite author, Dr. Desmond Morris, in his book Catlore, states that cats cannot survive on a vegetarian diet and one reason for that statement is that cats “can only obtain [taurine] by eating animal proteins” i.e. flesh. And without taurine a domestic cat will become blind. Early disclaimer: I am not for or …

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Does adding salmon oil to cat food reduce shedding?

Does adding salmon oil to cat food reduce shedding?

The above product cost £11.99 on Amazon in the UK. My research indicates multiple benefits to cats in taking fish oil supplements but I can’t find a scientific study supporting the suggestion that is helps to stop fur shedding. However, veterinarians would probably agree that fish oil does improve the skin and helps to …

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Pica in cats can be caused by iron deficiency

PICA due to iron deficiency

Yesterday I was reading an article about a woman who habitually eight matchsticks for years. Yes, she ate unused matches. It struck me, as I am sure it would other people, as bizarre and disturbing. But she was diagnosed with iron deficiency. There was a simple cure. A sad story. In feline terms she …

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A vegetarian cat? No. But manufactured vegetarian cat food containing all the necessary nutrients. Yes.

Vegetarian cat food

This page is in two parts. The first part was written about 13 years ago. The second part was written recently and is an updating section. The page has been checked, refreshed and republished as at January 13, 2022. This is necessary because everything changes. Certainly, the market in cat foods and particularly vegan …

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Should I give my cat probiotics?

Probiotic powdered supplement may improve your cat's health by improving their gut bacteria

Although I have never given my cat probiotics, I am considering it quite seriously and I’ll tell you why. There are two good reasons. With skin problems, problems affecting the stomach and intestines are the most common reason why people take their cats to the vet. The second point is that there appears to …

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Threats of a £20,000 fine and jail if cat and dog owners put their pets on a vegetarian diet

Vegetarian cat food

UK – NEWS AND COMMENT: The Daily Mail is reporting on a story which I find a bit extreme. They say that the Blue Cross charity are reminding dog owners (we have to include cat owners as well) that if they feed their dog a vegetarian diet because of their beliefs, they could be …

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