If a cat leaves home it isn’t necessarily the fault of their owner

Maddie - photo by Cascade News

We all know that sometimes domestic cats just wander away from their home. Cats get lost but it is not always because they’ve been stuck in a shed or transported away from their home by a van into which they’d climbed. Sometimes they just wander off which tells us that, depending upon the cat’s …

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Homeowner throws away the body of a neighbour’s cat who died in their backyard


We know how indoor/outside cats wander into neighbours’ gardens. They don’t go that far very often. And in this instance an elderly male cat (19) with a female name, Milly, wandered into a neighbour’s garden to sunbathe and died peacefully in the sun. Milly had a good life at his home near Kingsway in …

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Cats to be microchipped by law in the UK as government cracks down on pet thefts

Microchipping cats to be compulsory under the law in the UK

It appears that compulsory microchipping of cats in the UK is to become a reality. All cats will be microchipped. There’s been a long discussion proposing the compulsory microchipping of domestic cats in the UK in order to catch up with the already compulsory micro-chipping of dogs. The pandemic has created a surge in …

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Britain’s cat owners should complete this online survey about compulsory microchipping

UK government consultation on compulsory microchipping

You probably know that the UK government is planning to introduce compulsory domestic cat microchipping in England. The advantages are numerous and the difficulties are known such as enforcing such a law. Well, this is a chance for the British taxpayer and cat owner to provide the government with their views in an online …

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Britain’s veterinarians reject the idea of compulsory micro-chipping

Microchipping humans

Unsurprisingly and unfortunately British veterinarians, through their spokesperson, have responded negatively to the current news that the UK government plans to introduce compulsory micro-chipping across the nation. The reason why they reject the plan is because they don’t want to be involved in enforcing it. They want to do their work which is to …

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Cat microchipping to be compulsory in the UK with a fine if you don’t

Pet microchipping

It’s reported today that the UK government plans to introduce compulsory micro-chipping for cats from next year with a fine of £500 for non-compliance. This has been planned for a long time and debated a lot. It is said that, in the UK, 26% of companion animals are not microchipped and that 80% of …

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