Does a cat break into your home and eat your cat’s food? What do you do?

Fat Max is a serial food thief

There is a story from Cornwall, UK, online this morning which reminds me of the difficulties of dealing with a neighbour’s cat who likes to come into your home and eat your cat’s food and then calmly leave as if they are attending a hotel buffet. The story on the website Cornwall Live portrays …

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Checking a cat for a microchip at home (and reuniting a lost cat with owner)

Pet microchipping

It is possible to check a cat for a microchip at home. You don’t have to rely on a veterinarian. I am referring to the situation when you find a stray cat and you want to check for a microchip to find out whether the cat has an owner and is lost. If the …

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Council cremated lost cat without notification despite being microchipped and wearing an identification collar

Snaps, a cat killed by dogs and whose body was destroyed by the local authority without notice

NEWS/OPINION – Stockport, UK: the Manchester Evening News reports another disturbing example of how local authorities in the UK can carelessly dispose of a domestic cat that has been lost and killed either on the road or, in this instance, by dogs. Gemma Robertshaw loved her 18-year-old Persian cat. Gemma had lived with her …

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UK companion animal microchipping needs sorting out

UK microchipping needs improvement

UK – NEWS/OPINION: Companion animal microchipping is in a mess judging by the article written by Daniel Allen for The Conversation and it needs sorting out to be more effective. There are calls for compulsory cat microchipping. Sorting out outstanding issues should be dealt with at the same time. Too many databases and illegitimate …

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Lost your cat in the UK? Call the local authority early on.

Wilma RIP

The story of Andy Whittley’s cat Wilma is sadly educational and a reminder that not all local authorities (councils) discharge their responsibilities properly or so it appears. Wilma was micrchipped and she had a collar with an identity tag. Wilma went missing and, unknown to Andy, Wilma (who suffered from fits) had been fatally …

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In Arkansas, USA a lost pet can be seized and sold by the authorities even if it is tagged, ID tattooed and chipped

Bibi with her owners

A civil compensation case concerning a lost purebred dog, Bibi, going through the Arkansas courts has resulted in a judgement by the state’s Court of Appeals that a lost pet can be picked up by animal control and adopted out without notification to the owner even if the animal can be fully identified through …

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Urgent: contact the UK government to support compulsory cat microchipping

Do you want compulsory cat microchipping in the UK?

The UK government is ‘seeking evidence to understand the consequences of making microchipping of cats mandatory in England’.

Do you want compulsory cat microchipping in the UK?
Do you want compulsory cat microchipping in the UK? Contact the government.

The UK government is not looking at introducing legislation at the moment but it seems likely that they would in the not to distant future if the evidence stacks up in favour of mandatory microchipping. And I think it will. The benefits of cat microchipping outweigh the rare instances of microchips causing health issues in cats. Microchips are considered unsafe for humans!

Incidentally, the charity Cats Protection have a petition which you get to by clicking on this link. The link may break in due course.

You can email the government with your views: . See the government page by clicking on this link.

Strangely dogs must be microchipped in the UK but not cats. This difference may be because law enforcement needs to identify dog owners in situations where the dog has caused harm to others.

The RSPCA say on the website that 90% of cats in the UK are not microchipped.

In 2014 there were 70,000 missing pets, presumed cats and dogs in the UK (Petlog). The majority are cats because dog are reunited with their owners more easily because of compulsory dog microchipping. For example, in the southeast of England more than 10,000 cats and 2,000 dogs were missing in 2014.

The government consultation closes on 4th Jan 2020, so just a few days left. This is your chance to influence the UK government on an import issue concerning cat welfare.


New ordinance: Montreal pet owners have until January 1 to microchip and spay/neuter pets over 6 months of age

Pet microchipping

Pet owners in Montreal have until January 1 to have their cats and dogs over six months of age microchipped. Dogs and cats, as well as rabbits, must also be spayed/neutered by the same date. SPCA spokesperson Anita Kapuscinska stated during an interview with Montreal Gazette We think it’s wonderful. Microchips are one of …

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