Here’s why micro-chipping your cat does not always get them back when found

Fred and Gino

Micro-chipping your cat is considered to be the default situation in developed countries in 2023. It’s a necessity. It’ll become a legal obligation in the UK. That’s all well and good. But micro-chipping doesn’t always end with the happy reunion of lost cat and owner even when the cat has been found. Fred’s story …

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Compulsory microchipping for cats in the UK on June 10, 2024 written into law

Microchipping cats to be compulsory under the law in the UK

Since yesterday, 13 March 2023, a law has been enacted in the UK which will make micro-chipping of domestic cats compulsory on June 10, 2024. It has been a long time coming. It is said that the government has delivered on a key manifesto pledge. It will make it easier to reunite lost or …

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11 recommendations on scanning a cat for a microchip

Scanning a cat for microchip

Here are 11 recommendations for microchip scanning of domestic, stray and community (feral) cats. The illustration shows a recommended scanning pattern to ensure that the chip is not missed. Alley Cat Allies have a nice quiz on Twitter about scanning for a cat microchip and they ask whether you should scan the sides, between …

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Britain’s cat owners should complete this online survey about compulsory microchipping

UK government consultation on compulsory microchipping

You probably know that the UK government is planning to introduce compulsory domestic cat microchipping in England. The advantages are numerous and the difficulties are known such as enforcing such a law. Well, this is a chance for the British taxpayer and cat owner to provide the government with their views in an online …

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Checking a cat for a microchip at home (and reuniting a lost cat with owner)

Pet microchipping

It is possible to check a cat for a microchip at home. You don’t have to rely on a veterinarian. I am referring to the situation when you find a stray cat and you want to check for a microchip to find out whether the cat has an owner and is lost. If the …

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Council cremated lost cat without notification despite being microchipped and wearing an identification collar

Snaps, a cat killed by dogs and whose body was destroyed by the local authority without notice

NEWS/OPINION – Stockport, UK: the Manchester Evening News reports another disturbing example of how local authorities in the UK can carelessly dispose of a domestic cat that has been lost and killed either on the road or, in this instance, by dogs. Gemma Robertshaw loved her 18-year-old Persian cat. Gemma had lived with her …

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UK companion animal microchipping needs sorting out

UK microchipping needs improvement

UK – NEWS/OPINION: Companion animal microchipping is in a mess judging by the article written by Daniel Allen for The Conversation and it needs sorting out to be more effective. There are calls for compulsory cat microchipping. Sorting out outstanding issues should be dealt with at the same time. Too many databases and illegitimate …

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