What percentage of white cats are deaf?

White cat sisters

People are interested in the prevalence of deafness in white cats. Fortunately, a useful research study tells us the information that we are looking for. The study is entitled: Aetiology, Prevalence and Diagnosis of Deafness in Dogs and Cats By George M Strain who is a specialist working in the field of veterinary physiology, …

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White Cat Sunscreen

White cats need sunscreen when in the sun (and there appears to be more sun than usual in places like California) but currently, there appears to be no safe sunscreen lotions for cats (unless someone can recommend one in a comment). For dogs it is different but a cat owner should not apply sunscreen …

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Deaf Cat

photo by bass_nroll Two things come to mind when discussing the subject of a deaf cat: what made him/her deaf? how do we know he/she is deaf and what can we do about it? What makes a cat deaf? This section can be divided into two; (a) causes due to defects in the hearing mechanism …

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