Can you use suncream on cats?

White cat with amputated ears because of cancer

This is a problematic area. You can use suncream on cats but you have to be careful about how it is used. In general, domestic cats like to lie in the sun. Cats with white non-pigmented areas of skin can suffer serious skin inflammation which the doctors call solar dermatitis. It occurs mainly on …

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Why are domestic cats white?

Deaf Fabulous White Maine Coon Show Cat

The question effectively asks why cats are white all over. It is because they have a dominant gene symbolised by the letter W which removes pigment from the hair strands. It does this by removing the pigment creating cells in the skin. These are called melanocytes. Genes are on chromosomes and chromosomes are in …

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Don’t whitewash people even if they are playing cats

Hayward as Victoria the White

Critics have been eager to accuse the producers of the film adaptation of Andrew Lloyd Webber’s hit musical, Cats, of “whitewashing people” even if they are playing a cat in the film. It’s a rather peculiar situation and in my humble opinion it is a case of political correctness gone slightly mad. However, I …

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The face of heartbreak: Cat at NC shelter may only have a few days to find a new home

UPDATE May 2, 2018 ADOPTED! I’ll be writing an update Thursday night. This is the face of heartbreak. Once this sad-eyed kitty becomes available at a North Carolina shelter, he may only have a few days to find a home before being killed. People are upset, to say the least. We can help by …

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Do white cats have a shorter life span?

Mikey a deaf white cat

There is no direct reason why white cats should have shorter lifespan. Although white cats can be deaf and have odd-eye color. The deafness makes the white cat more vulnerable outside. However, I am sure nearly all owners of deaf, white cats keep them inside. Therefore I’d argue that there is no reason why white cats should have a shorter lifespan than average.

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