1880, one of the first domestic cat photographs

One of the first photographs of a domestic cat 1880

Well, I can’t verify if the statement on Reddit.com is true that this really is one of the first domestic cat photos taken in 1880 but it seems plausible to suggest that it is one of the earliest cat photographs. The link below takes you to another, earlier article on this topic. The picture …

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Why do white cats make bad mothers?

White cats can be challenged in being good moms but compensate in using other senses if they are congenitally deaf

I think the question in the title is a little harsh and it needs to be discussed. Not all white cats make bad mothers. In fact, it might be argued that white cats don’t make bad mothers despite the fact that if the mother is completely white with blue eyes, they have a 60%-80% …

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White domestic cats often make bad mothers

Deaf white cats

The title sounds unfair and biased but it isn’t as it is based in biological fact. The prevalence of deafness in pure white domestic cats varies depending on whether they have two blue eyes (the highest proportion of deaf cats), odd-eye colour or non-blue eyes (least likely to be deaf in both ears). Where …

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Colour changes in the eyes of an odd-eyed white cat

Ivory has odd eye color and they change in color

Ivory is a 10 year old, white, domestic shorthaired cat with odd-eye colour. Her right eye is gold coloured and her left eye is yellow-green coloured. Her owner, Gabriela Carvalho, 28, a nursing student, adopted Ivory from the same rescue centre that she adopted her former cat from, whose name was Luna. Luna died …

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The best example of cat odd-eyes that you’ll see

Odd-eyed white Scottish Fold

No one wanted this stunning odd-eyed Scottish Fold on offer online. I suspect that the reason is because Scottish Folds can have inherited health issues linked to the reason for their flat ears (cartilage production defect). That said these are the best example of feline odd-eyes that I have seen, which incidentally, are nearly …

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