Why do cats torture their prey?

Cat 'tortures' prey

I have written on this topic before. I am returning to it because I have another idea. There are different situations which require different explanations. Kittens at play When kittens play with toys they seem to be preparing for an adult life of torturing prey. They pounce on their toy, fling it up into …

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New Law: Outdoor Cats Must Wear Brightly Coloured Collars

Perhaps it is time for cat owners/lovers to do something which pleases people who like birds; to stop the war of words and try to ameliorate the situation and the situation is that cat owners are criticised for letting their outdoor cats prey on birds. For bird lovers the situation looks worse than it …

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Cat Catches Bat and Brings it Into House Causing Fear and Chaos (video)

This “cat catching a bat video”, which you can see below (no longer available – sorry), is amusing. What’s amusing about it is Nick Millerr’s complete panic about the whole thing although I don’t condone or like his attitude towards his cat for bringing in the bat as he calls her a “bitch”. This …

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Cats may not be as much of a threat to wildlife as previously thought – The Washington Post

The Washington Post journalist Tia Ghose picked up on the study which PoC reported on several days ago and has put her own spin on it. I like the spin. It is good to see online newspapers appraising domestic and feral cat predation more realistically. What the Washington Post is saying is that cats …

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Petition American Bird Conservancy. Stop your witch hunt against cats!

Bids killed by manmade objects

The debate over the number of birds killed by cats has grown stronger over the past few decades, especially since the internet came into play. Information once found only in magazines or periodicals can now be read with the click of a mouse, and anyone out there with a computer can either read up …

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Cape Town Study on Domestic Cat Predation

This is another attempt, in a study, to discover the impact that the indoor/outdoor domestic cat has on wildlife because of the cat’s natural tendency to prey on mammals and other creatures e.g insects. It is interesting and I believe cat lovers and cat advocates need to address all issues that relate to the …

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Some Outdoor Cat Facts

Here are some interesting cat facts relating to letting cats go outside or keeping them in. Traditionally, in the US, the preference was to let cats go outside. That has changed. In the UK the preference to let cats out continues to be the norm. In the UK, Seventy-five percent (75%) of cats are …

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High Profile Scholar Talks Cat Sense

Cat lovers have a high profile cat advocate in Dr Bradshaw. It is good that we have a well known scientist and author who plays fair and who does not have a hidden agenda to promote. Dr. John Bradshaw the well known anthrozoologist and author of Dog Sense1 and the recently published book Cat Sense2 …

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