Winter blues in dogs: how seasonal changes affect canine behavior and well-being

My infographic summarizes a report in The Times newspaper yesterday (23rd January 2024 written by Rhys Blakeley) of a survey on the possible winter blues suffered by some canines. I think it fair to say that what is said about companion dogs may also in some households apply to domestic cats. There is probably …

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PETA push for full-time indoor cats by highlighting outdoor cat cruelty cases. This is half the story, though.

Keeping cats indoors is good for safety but there needs to be a concomitant effort to make their substitute indoor world interesting

It seems that PETA are campaigning for more full-time indoor cats because of a ‘plague’ of ‘poisonings, shootings, burnings, and beatings’ of outdoor cats across the US. They want to abolish the concept of indoor-outdoor cats because it leads to animal cruelty. The quotes below and their video explains. I can’t watch these videos …

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Trend towards cat confinement is misguided. Infographic

Trend towards cat confinement is misguided. Infographic.

OPINION: This is a controversial topic. A well-debated topic which arouses passions. I have my personal views. They are stated in a succinct way in the infographic below. It is about reality and fairness. Do we want to remain blind to human excesses which all the experts confirm are causing remarkable and devastating damage …

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Completely crackers to suggest cats should be kept indoors

Completely crackers to suggest cats should be kept indoors

The headline comes from the Yorkshire Post in an article written by Sarah Todd but as I can’t access the article as it is only available to subscribers, I have decided to nick the title and write it myself. I can actually guess where she is coming from: domestic cat welfare. Whether it is …

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Why your cat likes to knock things over

Cat knocks vase off mantlepiece

Do you know why your cat likes to knock things over? What’s your theory? In fact, does he do it? Not all domestic cats do. What percentage of cats do this? Despite what experts say I don’t believe we have a full and certain answer to these questions so I’ll provide mine but I’m …

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Friends arguing over how to care for cats

Friends arguing over how to care for cats!

I’ve tried to keep the title very short for search engine optimisation reasons and I hope you understand what I’m trying to get at. In case you haven’t what I mean is this: if two people are longterm friends and they are both cat caregivers and one of them lets their cat(s) outside unsupervised …

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All indoor cats should be fed with puzzle feeders

Cat puzzle feeders

The title is a bold statement but I think it’s valid. You might not know what puzzle feeders are. They are devices which make it a challenge to a domestic cat to get at the food which somewhat replicates how they would live in the wild. It’s a sort of substitute for hunting; a …

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12 facts on keeping an indoor cat happy

Classy cat window box

I have written on this topic many times before! Repetition comes to mind but each article is different as is this one. I am listing 12 facts in bullet fashion for ease of reading; speed reading which I think a lot of internet users employ these days. Web surfers flit from one site to …

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