Pope Francis is vehemently against people having pets rather than children

We know from previous pronouncements that the current Pope Francis is vehemently against people having pets rather than children. He’s just reinforced that belief while visiting Indonesia. And in doing so he has reignited a long-standing quarrel with families who prefer to have a pet dog or cat rather than children. But they do …

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Use a will together with a ‘letter of wishes’ to make provision for your cat on your passing

Use a will together with a letter of wishes to make provision for your cat on your passing

This is a short note about leaving a bequest of your cat and caregiving money to someone to look after your cat or cats in your will. You’ll need two documents. We are told that more and more people are doing this whereas at one time it was the domain of celebrities such as …

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True or false? Cat owners are more neurotic than ‘resilient’ dog owners?

Is this study inadvertently misogynistic by inference?

Another study, this time from Australia (the country where they hate feral cats), concluded that dog owners have a personality which allows them to better bounce back from stressful situations i.e. they are more resilient than cat owners who they conclude are more likely to be neurotic (‘demonstrating higher levels of neuroticism’). Let’s have …

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