Just Stop Oil protesters storm 18th green at Travelers Golf Championship (72nd hole)

Travelers Championship PGA Tour 18th green protest (72nd hole)

This is a first: a big protest during a professional golf tournament. It is quite startling to see as professional golf is normally played under very controlled and quiet conditions. Etiquette is strictly adhered to by the golfers themselves and the organisers in controlling the spectators. When spectators suddenly surge out of the crowd …

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How vulnerable the human psyche is to indoctrination

How vulnerable the human psyche is to indoctrination

RELATED: Watching hunting of any kind can psychologically scar children This is the classic North Korea video of citizens sinking into paroxysms of uncontrolled adoration within extreme distress of their beloved leader (the father of the current leader) who had just died. All their lives they were taught that their leader, a dictator who …

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Do cats and dogs pollute as much as cars (infographic)?

Do cats and dogs pollute as much as cars?

The infographic provides the answer with a bit of detail. When we ask about ‘pollution’ nowadays, we are referring to gaseous emissions due to human activity which damage the air quality of the planet such that they cause global warming. These are gases such as methane, carbon dioxide and nitrous oxide. See below the …

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Pets can protect unborn children from food allergies

Pregnant mother with cat and dog

Pets might protect the unborn child from food allergies. If a pregnant mother adopts a cat or dog, she might be able to reduce the risk of their child developing a food allergy by 13% to 16%. This is the conclusion of a study which was conducted in Japan and published in late March …

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World leaders must know that climate change is scaring the shit out of people (infographic)

Most Americans say climate change will destroy Earth in their lifetime

It seems to me that the people who have the power to do something about curbing climate change are not taking it seriously enough judging by the fact that they’ve been talking about it for almost 30 years and yet climate change is still getting worse as I type this. Thirty years to do …

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Sleeping with your dog results in poorer sleep according to a study

Woman sleeping with her dogs and cat

The study, dated March 6, 2024, and titled “Co-sleeping with pets, stress, and sleep in a nationally representative sample of United States adults,” concludes that sleeping with dogs may lead to poorer sleep quality, whereas sleeping with cats does not appear to have the same detrimental effect. Additional findings from the study are summarized …

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