Pets can protect unborn children from food allergies

Pregnant mother with cat and dog

Pets might protect the unborn child from food allergies. If a pregnant mother adopts a cat or dog, she might be able to reduce the risk of their child developing a food allergy by 13% to 16%. This is the conclusion of a study which was conducted in Japan and published in late March …

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Cats, dogs and horses are like humans in terms of pollen allergies

Cats can suffer from hay fever

It is that time of year in the UK and America and other countries when companion animals can be hit by a pollen bomb hay fever during warm and hot weather. These three species of animal can suffer from hay fever just like humans according to a study which is cited at the base …

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Captive Pallas’s cats die of toxoplasmosis

Pallas's Cat

China’s first artificial bred Pallas’s cat dies: In a recent report from China, Sundaniang, the country’s first artificially bred Pallas’s cat (aka manul), died in Qinghai Park. Sundaniang was known for her contribution to scientific research on artificial reproduction and had become a beloved figure through her livestreamed daily activities. She was born on …

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Can antibiotics cause diarrhoea in cats?

Antibiotics can cause diarrhea in cats

You could ask the same question about humans, dogs or other animals. And certainly, antibiotics can cause diarrhoea in cats. Note the word ‘can’. You do not have to search far to come to that conclusion. AAD For instance, in the human world, they even have an acronym on the topic. It is AAD …

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What triggers allergies in cats?

Symbolic representation of T-cells

I’m referring to allergies suffered by domestic cats caused by their self-harming immune response to allergens in the environment. I am not referring to people being allergic to cats. Allergies in cats are caused by a defective immune system. The helper T-cells activate and deactivate parts of the immune system. They interpret instructions to …

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