Do caracals hiss to communicate?

Caracal hissing

Yes, caracals hiss to communicate. The sound is a defensive demand signalling ‘piss off’ to put it in the vernacular. And we often see it online because they are a feisty medium-sized wild cat inclined to feel threatened with humans around. In terms of vocalisations, the caracal is like the domestic cat in possessing …

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Infographic on caracal description


I don’t need to add many words here as the infographic says all that I’d like to say about this very popular medium-sized wild cat species. In America there is considerable interest in the caracal as a pet. They are attractive. For the medium-sized wild cats the caracal and serval are the two most …

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Are caracals legal in Ohio?

Caracal meowing

This applies to the present (May 29, 2022) but the law can change. Under Ohio statute: Chapter 935. Dangerous Wild Animals and Restricted Snakes, section §935.01 (C)(7)(d) it is illegal for an individual Ohio citizen to possess and own a caracal as they are classified as a dangerous wild animal. However, under section 935.02, …

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Pet caracal dominates and frightens domestic cat (video)

Pet caracal intimidates resident domestic cat and it is unpleasant to see.

For me, this is an example of an unacceptable pet cat arrangement. This is about a Russian living in Russia who has acquired a semi-domesticated caracal, a medium-sized wild cat species and he or she also has a true domestic cat. They live together. He finds it acceptable. I don’t because the caracal is …

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Is it legal to own a caracal or other small wild cat in Illinois?

Pet caracal

This is about individual residents and citizens of Illinois wishing to purchase a caracal and legally owning that animal. I am compelled to say that my research on this topic was extremely disappointing. I thought I would cut to the chase and simply telephone the Illinois State Wildlife Service and ask them the simple …

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