Cute anti-coronavirus cat mascot hands out masks in Tokyo, Japan

Anti-coronavirus cute cat mascot in Tokyo handing out facemasks and dishing out advice

The Japanese are arguably obsessed with cuteness and mascots but in the nicest possible way. This particular mascot is both cute and functional. In addition to handing out free face coverings the mascot also reminds Tokyo’s residents to keep socially distanced, all in the furtherance of mitigating the spread of this disease. It is …

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Japanese shopowner replaces ceiling tiles with transparent ones for their cats

This is a cool solution for a cat guardian and shopowner who wants to allow their cats to enjoy some vertical space when in their shop/store! I don’t know whether this shopowner is a man or woman but what they did was pretty clever and it has caught the imagination of a lot of …

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Cats that live in groups

It is wrong to say that only lions live in groups because feral and stray cats live in colonies. And domestic cats in households often live in small groups too. Both the lion and the domestic cat are different species of cat (Panthera leo and Felis silvestris catus respectively). You might find that the …

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