The problem with community cats is that in general they don’t receive veterinary treatment

Arturito, a stray cat from outside the cemetery, visits daily to benefit from Pisani’s feedings [Maria Amasanti/Al Jazeera]

All over the world there are community cats. Often the general feeling is that they live reasonable lives. These are cats that don’t have owners, a specific caregiver. They are rather loosely cared for by people living in the community; shop owners, perhaps workers and passers-by and residents. They might be attached to a …

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Kotor Kitties is a brilliant non-profit spaying and neutering cats in Montenegro


This is an article about Kotor Kitties. They have a nice website which tells you how they started. How they grew into an international organisation. The start is always interesting and vitally important. What motivated April Lynn King, a volunteer, board member and a co-founder of Kotor Kitties? She lives in Seattle which, I …

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Are the British to blame for Israel’s stray cat problem?

Feral cats Israel

It’s a well-known fact that there are an inordinate number of feral and stray cats in Israel. They are often semi-domesticated and therefore better described as community cats. Before I answer the question in the title, I have to touch on the question as to whether they are a genuine problem. In my view, …

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New South Wales government will be killing dogs, cats, livestock and wildlife with bromadiolone


Bromadiolone has been described as the world’s strongest mouse poison which kills them in 24 hours but which is yet to be approved by the regulators in Australia. The New South Wales government want to use it to manage and suppress the well-reported mouse plague in their state which, according to news media, is …

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Community cats put to work in Chicago

Chicago community cat with remains of a squirrel

In an overly dramatic headline on one news media website, the author states that “1,000 feral cats unleashed on Chicago’s streets to fight rat problem”. That is not quite the way it is because the Tree House Humane Society have a “Cats at Work” programme in which they employ community cats as a deterrent …

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