Feeding raw meat to dogs may expose owners to the risk of superbugs

Dog eating raw meat diet

The topic of feeding raw meat to pets, particularly dogs, has been previously debated. A recent trend involves feeding dogs raw meat, which may increase the risk of owners being exposed to antibiotic-resistant bacteria, as indicated by a study. Researchers discovered E. coli in 13 out of 15 raw meat samples, with a high …

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Ragdoll cat put cat sitter in hospital for 4 days plus 3 weeks off work

Haze an aggressive Ragdoll cat

The Ragdoll as many know is one of the most laid-back cat breeds; perhaps the most laid back as they are selectively breed to have placid characters. However, they are domestic cats like any other at heart. Don’t believe all you read on social media and in news media. Here is a photo of …

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Award-winning journalist badly hurt by a domestic cat she was rescuing

Otherwise calm, nicely behaved domestic cats can attack when scared and defensively aggressive

NEWS AND VIEWS: As I buy The Times daily, I know of Carol Midgely. As well as being a columnist for The Times she occasionally helps out at her friend’s animal rescue charity. That’s nice. It tells me that she is a decent person. She went to the home of a recently deceased elderly …

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Texas man partially lost his eyesight after his new cat frequently scratched him (it was cured)

Cat scratch fever infection

A study has found the mainstream news media. It is about cat scratch fever (disease) causing partial blindness in a Texas man, aged 47. It is published online in the American Journal of Case Reports. The study is called “Bartonella Neuroretinitis: There Is More to Cat Scratch Disease Than Meets the Eye”. The conclusion …

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Can antibiotics cause diarrhoea in cats?

Antibiotics can cause diarrhea in cats

You could ask the same question about humans, dogs or other animals. And certainly, antibiotics can cause diarrhoea in cats. Note the word ‘can’. You do not have to search far to come to that conclusion. AAD For instance, in the human world, they even have an acronym on the topic. It is AAD …

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Question your veterinarian about prescribing antibiotics without proof of a bacterial infection

Don't accept antibiotics from your veterinarian unless they are clearly indicated

I’m going to be slightly provocative. But I think cat caregivers should sometimes, gently and politely, challenge their veterinarian. And there’s one particular treatment where this attitude may be important. It is the prescription of antibiotics. I think it is probably known that veterinarians tend to prescribe antibiotics as a precaution. They don’t know …

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Do antibiotics cure cat flu?

Cat with flu

No, antibiotics will not help genuine cat flu because this infectious disease is caused by a virus and antibiotics are prescribed to cure bacterial infections not viral infections. However, often a viral infection can lead to a secondary bacterial infection which is why veterinarians sometimes prescribe antibiotics if they see a patient with cat …

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Blanket of ticks on kitten’s head removed with tweezers

Poor rescue kitten's head covered in ticks. The vet assistant or veterinarian removes them with tweezers

This is unpleasant: a tabby rescue kitten who acquired a blanket of gorged ticks all over his head. It is horrendous to look at. I hope you find it acceptable to view. There is a video but I am not allowed to present it here. The video screenshots do it justice. The vet nurse …

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