An Exotic Shorthair that can’t eat and breathe at the same time

Dimples is another disastrous Exotic Shorthair cat with an extremely flat face which affects the way they eat and breathe

The cat’s name is Dimples. He was bred in Australia. It is claimed that he can’t eat and breathe at the same time which I can understand. This is a brachycephalic-headed cat breed with an extremely flat face which distorts the nasal passages which negatively impacts breathing. And also, because their muzzle has disappeared …

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Why is my cat wheezing?

Siamese cat wheezing. Siamese are predisposed to this condition.

Here are some reasons why your cat is wheezing. I would not normally write about medical issues because the veterinarian’s websites are tailored exactly for that sort of article but I have good reference books and therefore, despite not being medically qualified I can, I feel, provide a reasonable answer and some pointers. In …

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Cat noisy breathing. Causes.

Feline airways

Noisy breathing in domestic cats indicates an obstructed airway. The airway that I’m referring to is the passage through the nose (or mouth), the back of the mouth, down the trachea (windpipe) and into the bronchail tubes of the lungs. If there is an obstruction in this airway breathing might be noisy and the …

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Do overweight cats breathe faster?

What is the best diet for a diabetic cat?

An overweight cat might breathe faster because (1) they are overheating which is more likely if they are obese and (2) they have developed type II diabetes which is linked to being overweight. Other reasons for rapid breathing might include, pain, stress, fever, shock, dehydration, anaemia, lung disease, heart disease and/or a buildup of …

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