Nasal congestion in Peke-face Persian cats. INFOGRAPHIC.

Nasal congestion in Peke-face Persian cats

Nasal congestion in Peke-face Persian cats by Michael Broad Phew…I’ve started with that word because this is the 14th inherited Peke-face Persian disease I have explained in an infographic. I have come to the end. 😊😢. Click this link to see them all! It is sad, though, that I feel a duty to create …

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Infographic about ‘Bullycats’. Vets warn of painful fate for this hairless breed.

Dwelf or Bullycat

The infographic summarises the situation concisely. Below it I add some detail. The ‘Bullycat’ is clearly a spinoff from the American XL Bully dog which gained such notoriety particularly in the UK where they are now banned thanks to a targeted amendment to the Dangerous Dogs Act 1991. But the Bullycat is not a …

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An Exotic Shorthair that can’t eat and breathe at the same time

Dimples is another disastrous Exotic Shorthair cat with an extremely flat face which affects the way they eat and breathe

The cat’s name is Dimples. He was bred in Australia. It is claimed that he can’t eat and breathe at the same time which I can understand. This is a brachycephalic-headed cat breed with an extremely flat face which distorts the nasal passages which negatively impacts breathing. And also, because their muzzle has disappeared …

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Cats with folded ears and flat-faced dogs to be banned in The Netherlands

Flat-faced dogs and cats with folded ears to be banned in NL

This news lightens my heart made heavy by legalised animal abuse. We all know that flat-faced dogs (and cats) and cats with folded ears (the Scottish Fold) are inherently unhealthy. We have known it for a long time. Their existence is a reflection of the attitude that cuteness trumps ill-health. That appearance is more …

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Do Siamese cats have bad teeth?

Modern Siamese

Periodontitis appears to be more common in Siamese cats and the family of breeds associated with the Siamese e.g. the Oriental Shorthair. And increased susceptibility also occurs among cats who have repeated viral respiratory infections. Periodontitis progresses from gingivitis and is an infection of the teeth and gums. The supporting structures of the teeth …

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